Gems in Indian Kings Courts (Special Emphasis on Vikrama͂ditya’s Court)
Indian Kings, Vikrama͂ditya, monarchial form, philosophers, UjjainAbstract
India has held a monarchial form of government for many millennia. What were some of the internal factors of governance which dictated who was going to be an effective ruler? Is it true that some courts of kings had ‘gems or advisors that were so accomplished that they shaped the destiny of the kingdom?’ This paper searches through the history of India to determine if having the proper advisors, experts, learned scholars, and renowned philosophers was one of the prime factors which determined the success or failure of a monarchy in India. It will determine some examples that stand out in this regard, and also focus on the much talked about Nine Gems in the court of King Vikramāditya; the King of Ujjain, who ruled in India about 2000 or more years ago.